Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Science While Suffering from a cold-

Some of my current favorite ways to smack a cold around.  These cut the annoyance down.
 Skin brushing before shower, to help water get wastes out through the skin by removing the dead flakes, you're supposed to pay special attention to the lymph node areas, such as underarms, back of the knees, sides of neck- makes me feel kind of like a horse grooming itself.
Hydrotherapy-  I get into a warm shower, and slowly shift the heat up, until its as hot as I can take, for as long as I can take, and then slowly shift it cool, and then cold, for as long as I can take. I do this 4-5 times each way.  I then also salt scrub with lavender essential oil and olive oil, and then rinse off.
I've also taken to gargling 4-5 times a day, with warm water, salt, lemon juice, honey, tobasco sauce, and tumeric.
I drink lots of water, and tea with honey and lemon.  I neti pot, with warm water, salt, baking soda, and a few drops of literin.
I take psedophedrine maybe twice a day, if I can't stand it.
I whine, watch crap tv on DVD, and wait.


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